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Halqah is a famous, traditional methodology of knowledge acquisition of all kinds. It was a well-practiced system of learning among the Salaf and the Khalaf. It was regarded a formal learning circle, where worthy students will be given Ijaazah form of Shahaadah <certificate> to teach and propagate the knowledge.


Halqah is totally different from lectures, symposiums and the likes, in many ways. In this system of learning, the Shaykh or the Tutor will teach the attendants on books, one after the other.


An Halqah can be specific or general. In a specific form of Halqah, only one subject is treated; but in general Halqah, various subjects are treated at interval.


Halqah system of learning has plenty advantages over classroom formal learning, one of the outstanding merits is that it builds a student to have concrete understanding and specialization of the subject.

"Do you  know the questioner? Allaah and His Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلّم) know best. He replied: 

"He was indeed Jibreel, he has come to teach you your religion <deen>"



<Sound Hadeeth, narrated by 'Umar [r.a], collected by al-Bukhaary:50, Muslim: 102>

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